Welcome to My Blog!

I want to be able to write about topics, including parenting, couponing, and life in general. I hope you enjoy it. Please feel free to leave comments and follow me.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Haitian Timoun Foundation Fundraiser

Hey everyone!  One of my church friends has decided to host a Pampered Chef fundraiser for the Haitian Timoun Foundation. Here is the link to their site http://htflive.nextmeta.com/. My church does mission trips to Haiti all the time and is currently raising funds for our youth to go there.

If you would like to help out by placing an order or hosting your own show, go to my site, www.pamperedchef.biz/whitneysimone.  Place orders under the name Chris Groesch.  We would love to be able to give the organization a check for 25% of the show's sales.

Please contact me if you need more information. 

Thank you so much for your generosity!


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Becoming a Sports Mom

Ok y'all.  Who has young ones in sports?  I just signed my 3 yr old up for Fall Baseball.  I am not sure what is going to work for her to keep her in it.

I know schedules can get crazy and how do you keep it all organized.  I will have school and so will she.  Please let me know what works for you.

It started with me saying I would never be a mini van mom and now I have one.  I would never be a soccer mom and here we are with Baseball.  I love keeping my daughter in different types of activities.  I think it will be a great adjustment for her.  I think she will love it.  I just need it to keep her interest.

So here's to a new adventure for us all.  :)