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Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Start of a New School Year

It's amazing to me how fast the years go by. 

This school year brings new adventures for my little one.  This year she's in Georgia Pre-K.  I'm excited, because I don't have to pack lunches or snacks.  All I have to send her with is a blankie or stuffie to sleep with at school.  Oh how I miss nap times during the day.  LOL

She is at a different school this year and I sense that she is hesitant to be there.  However, I know she is still excited, because her friend from the neighborhood will be at the same school. YAY!

This is also the first school year to balance a sports schedule along with both our school schedules.  I almost thought we would have to pull her out o baseball because the schedule hasn't been made. Thank God for the Commissioner.  He was very helpful.

So I have to say that we are both kind of anxious about the start of our school year.  Thankfully, I should only have 6 more semesters until I'm done.  Let's keep our fingers crossed.