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I want to be able to write about topics, including parenting, couponing, and life in general. I hope you enjoy it. Please feel free to leave comments and follow me.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

What to do with this Four Year old?

So I am reaching out to all the mothers I can find. 

When I was putting my daughter's jacket on her this morning for school, I found little toys in her pocket that I knew didn't belong to her.  SO I asked her where she got them from and immediately she clammed right up.  I was infuriated, because I had never seen her do this before. 

We were running late, as usual, because my daughter has NO sense of urgency to begin with.  I told her that either I would walk her in to school to return the items to her teacher or she would do it on her own.  She said not to tell on her and that she would give it back to her teacher. Crazy me actually wanted to believe that she would indeed do this on her own rather than get the wrath of mom for not doing it. 

To my chagrin when I picked her up this afternoon, she hadn't done as instructed and I was forced to call her out on it in front of her teachers.  Well come to find out that she apparently does this in class all the time.  WHAT?!  I have never seen her do this with anyone where she hadn't given it back.  Her teacher tells me it's the age group, so not to worry.  Oh yeah are you going to tell me not to worry when she's 15 and stealing from stores???  LOL (OK, so a little dramatic, but you get my drift.) So she was forced to go into her bag and remove the items and give them back.

In discussions with my husband, we have decided to take away her blankie for 2 nights.  If any of you know my child, you realize that this is a huge punishment.  Needless to say that I think I will not be getting any sleep for the next few nights because of this.  However, a point needs to be made. 

So my question for everyone is if you've gone through this and how did you handle things?

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine's day cards

So I thought this year that I would make my daughter's Valentine's Day cards.  After seeing all the Pinterest posts as well as other mom's creative projects, I was overwhelmed.  No way could I find the time to do this and make them cute. 

On Valentine's Day Eve, I was sitting at work and came up with the great (and easy) way to get these cards done.  I went on Google and found Valentine's Day images.  Of course there were a million and one different images to choose from.  I found two different designs and simply copied and pasted them into a Word document as "labels."  They ended up being the perfect size, about the size of a business card.  From there, I pasted them to card stock/manila folder for sturdiness.  Perfect!

Later that night, I made small Valentine cookies that were heart-shaped.  The perfect size for little fingers without being a TON of sugar.  I iced them and outlined them and then let the icing firm up over night.  Now, I was trying to find cute heart covered snack bags to put them in, but no such luck!  Had to use plain plastic snack bags.  Didn't go to bed until like midnight and still had to wake up early to finish them off.  Wow!!!

Here is the final product, Pinterest worthy?

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Adventures in Online classes

Happy New Year Y'all!!  So my year is starting with a new semester of school.

My largest challenge is going to school while doing Pampered Chef, Scentsy amd my full time job.  I love attending Kennesaw State.  This semester I decided to do all online classes and actually taking 3 classes instead of 2.

In doing this, I decided that I need to organize my life.  So far I have my Criminology class binder completely organized by "module."  I just wish I could get the info for the rest of my classes.  Technically all classes begin on Saturday, and 2 of my professors haven't even opened the links for their classes.  I just want to start off the semester well.  Maybe this way I will actually keep up with.

Another aspect is time management.  I need to find a way that I have time with family, time for studying and work time.  Any time management tips would be grateful. 

I know Supernanny does the charts.  So I have one of those larger dry erase board calendars and a cork memo board. What can I do with these to make a "communication center?" Pinterest?

Oh the adventure of online classes.  I have a hard time with normal classes.  Best of luck for the semester.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

So how many of you are actually doing New Year's Resolutions??

I have been pondering these over the last couple of days.  We all know that weight loss/gym time is always on our list.  So I started to do that early.  I began that yesterday to get a jump on it before New Years.  We all know that the gyms get packed right after January 1st.

Well what else would be on my list?  The biggest thing is getting organized.  I sell Pampered Chef and Scentsy and I have stuff all over the house.  In fact, everything in my life needs to be organized.  Every room in my house has something that needs to be cleaned out, labeled, etc.  I think this a pretty reasonable resolution and would've been a great thing to start while I was off work this week!  Ha!  Nope!  Slept in til at least 10 every morning.  A mom needs a break when she can get it!

Another wish on my list is to get all our household projects done and finished.  We have this small alcove in our room between our in room office and bed, want to put shelves up to make a bookcase there.  Need to install tile flooring and finish trim work along all the base boards.  Doesn't seem to hard to finish, but my baseboards have been this way for the past 4 years.  Men always start projects, can they just finish them?  LOL

Please feel free to post your New Year's resolutions.  I love reading about them.

New Christmas Adventure

So my daughter has been off of school for 2 weeks so far.  I was trying to come up with some new ideas to keep us out of the house and not spend a lot of money.  What was it you ask?  Rollerskating!!!

When we walked into Skate Country, I was immediately thrown back to my skating days as a kid.  Heck!  It was the same kind of music.  As we sat at the snack bar after a round on the rink, my 4 year old daughter was amazed at the kids doing the Hokie Pokie out on the middle of the floor.  I was mesmerized watching her reaction.

After many falls, my daughter decided to pack it up for the day.  It was her first ever trip to the skating rink and it was a success. Heck I was amazed I still had some skating skills.  The best part was that I found out I burned around 700 calories for the time we were there.  Not a bad afternoon!!  :)

Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Start of a New School Year

It's amazing to me how fast the years go by. 

This school year brings new adventures for my little one.  This year she's in Georgia Pre-K.  I'm excited, because I don't have to pack lunches or snacks.  All I have to send her with is a blankie or stuffie to sleep with at school.  Oh how I miss nap times during the day.  LOL

She is at a different school this year and I sense that she is hesitant to be there.  However, I know she is still excited, because her friend from the neighborhood will be at the same school. YAY!

This is also the first school year to balance a sports schedule along with both our school schedules.  I almost thought we would have to pull her out o baseball because the schedule hasn't been made. Thank God for the Commissioner.  He was very helpful.

So I have to say that we are both kind of anxious about the start of our school year.  Thankfully, I should only have 6 more semesters until I'm done.  Let's keep our fingers crossed.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Haitian Timoun Foundation Fundraiser

Hey everyone!  One of my church friends has decided to host a Pampered Chef fundraiser for the Haitian Timoun Foundation. Here is the link to their site http://htflive.nextmeta.com/. My church does mission trips to Haiti all the time and is currently raising funds for our youth to go there.

If you would like to help out by placing an order or hosting your own show, go to my site, www.pamperedchef.biz/whitneysimone.  Place orders under the name Chris Groesch.  We would love to be able to give the organization a check for 25% of the show's sales.

Please contact me if you need more information. 

Thank you so much for your generosity!
