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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine's day cards

So I thought this year that I would make my daughter's Valentine's Day cards.  After seeing all the Pinterest posts as well as other mom's creative projects, I was overwhelmed.  No way could I find the time to do this and make them cute. 

On Valentine's Day Eve, I was sitting at work and came up with the great (and easy) way to get these cards done.  I went on Google and found Valentine's Day images.  Of course there were a million and one different images to choose from.  I found two different designs and simply copied and pasted them into a Word document as "labels."  They ended up being the perfect size, about the size of a business card.  From there, I pasted them to card stock/manila folder for sturdiness.  Perfect!

Later that night, I made small Valentine cookies that were heart-shaped.  The perfect size for little fingers without being a TON of sugar.  I iced them and outlined them and then let the icing firm up over night.  Now, I was trying to find cute heart covered snack bags to put them in, but no such luck!  Had to use plain plastic snack bags.  Didn't go to bed until like midnight and still had to wake up early to finish them off.  Wow!!!

Here is the final product, Pinterest worthy?

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