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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

What to do with this Four Year old?

So I am reaching out to all the mothers I can find. 

When I was putting my daughter's jacket on her this morning for school, I found little toys in her pocket that I knew didn't belong to her.  SO I asked her where she got them from and immediately she clammed right up.  I was infuriated, because I had never seen her do this before. 

We were running late, as usual, because my daughter has NO sense of urgency to begin with.  I told her that either I would walk her in to school to return the items to her teacher or she would do it on her own.  She said not to tell on her and that she would give it back to her teacher. Crazy me actually wanted to believe that she would indeed do this on her own rather than get the wrath of mom for not doing it. 

To my chagrin when I picked her up this afternoon, she hadn't done as instructed and I was forced to call her out on it in front of her teachers.  Well come to find out that she apparently does this in class all the time.  WHAT?!  I have never seen her do this with anyone where she hadn't given it back.  Her teacher tells me it's the age group, so not to worry.  Oh yeah are you going to tell me not to worry when she's 15 and stealing from stores???  LOL (OK, so a little dramatic, but you get my drift.) So she was forced to go into her bag and remove the items and give them back.

In discussions with my husband, we have decided to take away her blankie for 2 nights.  If any of you know my child, you realize that this is a huge punishment.  Needless to say that I think I will not be getting any sleep for the next few nights because of this.  However, a point needs to be made. 

So my question for everyone is if you've gone through this and how did you handle things?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whit, One thing we asked Lauren when she did this was "you would not like it if someone came to your house and took your toys, so you should not take another kids toys". And we called Santa (it was just before Christmas) lol. She did not like that at all.